10 Years of Formel D in Mexico, Russia and Slovakia

Zveřejněno: 21. srpna 2018114 slov0,6 min. čtení

In addition to the 25-year anniversary of the entire Group, in 2018, Formel D is also excited about three anniversaries at its national subsidiaries: This year, its subsidiaries in Mexico, Russia and Slovakia are all turning ten.

While Russia and Mexico already marked their “birthdays” on February 28 and July 25 respectively, the Slovakian anniversary is coming up on October 10.We are convinced that all three of these national subsidiaries will continue on their path of positive development and implement key projects for our customers in these regions in the years to come.For more information on Formel D activities in these three countries, see pages 30-32 of our customer magazine Informel .¡Felicidades! От души поздравляем! Srdečné blahoželanie!
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